GSA Seeking Help With FBI’s Planned Headquarters, Wherever It Will Be

The federal government’s real estate arm is seeking construction management firms to help plan for the FBI’s new headquarters — that is, once the agency decides where in the D.C. region the complex will be developed and who will build it.

The General Services Administration posted a notice to earlier this week seeking firms able to help design the 2.1 million-square-foot facility, an undertaking that could be spread out over a decade with an award cost of around $15 million.

The GSA didn’t name the FBI specifically in the Sources Sought notice, which is nonbinding and might not necessarily result in a more formal request for proposals. At the same time, the parameters, including the size and scope of the project, all point to the most sought-after federal agency headquarters search in the region.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Daniel J. Sernovitz over at Washington Business Journal

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