Governor Hogan Explains In Detail “Saving Baltimore” During Riots, Calls Out Mayor Rawlings-Blake (Video)

Gov. Larry Hogan took a swipe Thursday at outgoing Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, saying the mayor had not properly thanked him for “saving the city” during rioting and unrest last spring.

In his most detailed retelling to date of the events that followed Freddie Gray’s death from injuries suffered in police custody, Hogan portrayed himself as a decisive leader for sending in the National Guard, saying rioters “all went scurrying home” at his show of force.

During remarks at the center-right American Action Forum in Washington, the Republican governor said he first called Rawlings-Blake last April offering help after an aide showed him footage of a burning police car.

He called again three hours later with two options: He would sign an executive order sending in the National Guard at her request, or he would sign one sending it in at his.

32:00 mark.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Erin Cox over at Baltimore Sun

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