Governor Hogan Avoids Signing Or Vetoing 22 Bills

Gov. Larry Hogan plans to let nearly two dozen bills become law without his signature, he announced at a news conference Tuesday.

Hogan called the General Assembly’s decision to send the bills to him before Sine Die political gamesmanship.

The slate of unsigned bills includes one linking the University of Maryland campus in College Park with the Baltimore campus.

Another removes the governor’s power to appoint members of the Baltimore City liquor board and turns it over to the mayor and city council president.

The list also includes the package of bills legislative leaders have pushed to revitalize Baltimore.

In particular, Hogan called out two bills mandating multiple years of funding for programs he had already backed — demolition of vacant houses in Baltimore and aid for Prince George’s Medical Center.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Rachel Baye over at the WYPR

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