Governor Hogan Asks Obama To Advocate For Redistricting Reform In Maryland

Gov. Larry Hogan wants redistricting reform so much that he asked President Barack Obama to intervene in the General Assembly’s debate.

Hogan, a Republican, wrote Obama a letter last week asking him to persuade fellow Democrats to allow a floor vote on Hogan’s proposal to let an independent commission draw congressional and state legislative districts.

“On this issue, we are in complete agreement,” Hogan wrote in the letter, which was first reported by The Washington Post. “There are only days left in the legislative session, and next year, we may not have as strong an advocate in White House as you have been on this issue. With your intervention, I believe we could set things right in Maryland.”

As of Wednesday, Obama had not responded to Hogan’s Mar. 31 letter, Hogan’s aides said.

In his January State of the Union speech, Obama called for an end to gerrymandering, saying that it wasn’t enough to elect new public officials, the country needed to change the way it selected its leaders.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Erin Cox over at the Baltimore Sun

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