Gov. Hogan Sets Sight On 100 Percent Clean Energy In Maryland By 2040 (Video)

In Baltimore and across the country, young people are rallying for clean energy, and Governor Larry Hogan is getting a first-hand look at a plant that produces it.

The University of Maryland Medical System hospitals employ environmentally friendly combined heat and power systems, part of what is considered a bold and innovative approach to clean energy.

“We proposed and passed tougher clean air standards than 48 other states,” Hogan said. “I think we’re national leaders on the environment, and I think this takes us to a whole other level on generating clean energy.”

The governor is proposing CARES, the Clean and Renewable Energy Standard, to get Maryland to 100 percent clean energy by 2040, committing to affordable clean energy, addressing climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental stewardship.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pat Warren over at Baltimore CBS Local

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