Four Years After Passing School Overhaul Law, Second Thoughts In Prince George’s

Two state lawmakers from Prince George’s County are trying to scale back or eliminate many of the school system’s changes that County Executive Rushern L. Baker III championed early in his administration.

In response to public concern over allegations of abuse involving school staff and volunteers, Del. Carolyn J. B. Howard (D) and Sen. C. Anthony Muse (D) want to repeal major portions of the 2013 state law that was intended to counteract years of school board dysfunction and ensure accountability.

The law turned the Prince George’s Board of Education from a fully elected board into a hybrid of appointed and elected members and granted Baker (D) broad powers to choose the schools chief executive, Kevin Maxwell, who, in turn, had sweeping power to enact changes.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Arelis Hernandez over at the Washington Post

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