Former Baltimore Ravens Player Details New Medical Marijuana Shop Coming To Silver Spring

Standing in front of a large presentation screen in the Silver Spring Civic Center, former Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman Eugene Monroe spoke Monday night of the medical benefits he has experienced by using marijuana instead of dangerous painkillers to reduce lingering pain from multiple surgeries related to football injuries.

The Owings Mills resident played seven years in the NFL before retiring from football after being released by the Ravens in June 2016. Prior to his retirement, he became an outspoken medical marijuana advocate and a partner in a growing marijuana production and retail business—Green Thumb Industries (GTI), which he said Monday he invested in two years ago.

GTI is one of two companies that were awarded a license by the state to sell medical marijuana in Silver Spring’s state legislative District 20, which encompasses Takoma Park and downtown Silver Spring, plus the neighborhoods of Four Corners and White Oak.

The Maryland General Assembly legalized medical marijuana in a 2014 bill signed by Gov. Martin O’Malley. Since then, the state’s Medical Cannabis Commission has licensed businesses to sell, process and grow the drug.

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