FBI Block Envisioned With Museums, Cafes, Gateway To Monuments

The FBI’s move to Greenbelt, Landover or Springfield is still years away, but the National Capital Planning Commission now has a vision of what the 6.6-acre site should look like once the Brutalist building is gone from Pennsylvania Avenue NW.

And what’s now a single, giant office building will likely become a mix of buildings and uses, including cultural, residential and entertainment, that could boost pedestrian traffic and serve as a better gateway to the city’s monuments, according to the NCPC’s guidelines.

The NCPC has held several meetings this year to organize the Square Guidelines for Squares 378 and 379, the 2.8 million-square-foot Hoover Building’s current home. It will take final action on the draft guidelines Jan. 5.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Karen Goff over at Washington Biz Journal

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