Express Toll Lanes Could Raise Water Bills In Montgomery And Prince George’s

The utility that provides water and sewer services to Montgomery and Prince George’s counties could be forced to spend $2 billion to move pipes and other infrastructure to accommodate the planned widening of Interstate 270 and the Capital Beltway, agency officials told local lawmakers on Thursday.

That expense — which officials said represented a worst-case scenario — could add thousands of dollars to the utility bills paid by residents of the two counties.

The official who requested a briefing from the agency told Maryland Matters afterward he was “flabbergasted” to learn that officials with WSSC Water have been meeting with State Highway Administration engineers for years, given that the potential financial hit to consumers is only surfacing publicly now.

Lawmakers from both counties urged the General Assembly to immediately pass legislation protecting the residents of Prince George’s and Montgomery from pass-through costs that could last decades.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Bruce DePuyt over at Maryland Matters

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