Dixon Campaign, Pugh Supporters Issue Negative Attacks In Baltimore Mayoral Campaign

Supporters of leading mayoral candidates Catherine E. Pugh and Sheila Dixon are engaging in a war of negative campaign fliers.

A political action committee backing Pugh is circulating a flier with a photo of Dixon doctored to look like a police mug shot, while the Dixon campaign is sending mailers accusing Pugh of accepting “illegal money” as she runs for office.

The anti-Dixon flier distributed by Clean Slate Baltimore PAC uses the fake mug shot as it recounts that she was found guilty of embezzlement and perjury, which forced her from office in 2010.

The anti-Pugh mailer refers to published accounts that Pugh’s campaign received $66,000 in checks that bounced. Some mayoral opponents have alleged that those contributions came from phony companies. Under campaign finance laws, it would be illegal for a donor to make a contribution from a phony company.

Dixon, the former mayor, on Tuesday called for Pugh to condemn the Clean Slate Baltimore flier.

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Click here to read the rest of the article written by Luke Broadwater over at the Baltimore Sun


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