District Judge Strikes Down Restraining Order On Intralot Sports Wagering Contract

A D.C. Superior Court judge struck down a request for a preliminary injunction on the District’s $215 million sole-source sports wagering and lottery contract with Greek gaming firm Intralot.

Judge John Campbell issued the ruling Friday, siding with the District’s argument that it was within its purview to award the contract and, thus, allowing D.C. Lottery to move forward with its implementation. Campbell’s decision ends a temporary restraining order that Judge Joan Zeldon had issued Sept. 26 after D.C. resident Dylan Carragher filed a lawsuit Sept. 17 against the District for going with a no-bid contract. The lawsuit itself will continue to proceed.

“The D.C. judge essentially ruled that the District Council implicitly amended its procurement laws, despite the absence of any amendment language anywhere in the record,” said Donald Temple of Temple Law Office, who is representing Carragher in the suit, in an email Friday to the Washington Business Journal.

He said he plans to appeal Campbell’s decision. “Otherwise, D.C. is in a bad space in terms of public accountability,” Temple said.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Katishi Maake over at the Washington Business Journal

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