Del. Vaughn Of Prince George’s County Resigns From House Of Delegates

Maryland state Del. Michael L. Vaughn resigned less than an hour before the General Assembly convened its 2017 session Wednesday, citing “ongoing health challenges” in a brief letter sent to House Speaker Michael E. Busch.

“It has been an honor to serve in the House with you and represent the great people of the 24th District in Prince George’s County,” Vaughn wrote in his letter. His resignation is effective immediately.

The resignation comes as Prince George’s County reels from a bribery scandal that has already ensnared a former state lawmaker, two county liquor board officials and two local businessmen.

Affidavits released with a federal indictment last week mentioned a confidential informant who was also a sitting delegate. Court records said federal authorities caught the delegate depositing thousands in cash and promising to get liquor license legislation passed in exchange.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pamela Wood and Erin Cox over at Baltimore Sun

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