DC Leaders Consider 2 Bills Aimed At Dropping Workplace Marijuana Testing

D.C. council members are considering two bills that would do away with marijuana testing of employees at work.

Possession of marijuana and its recreational use is legal in D.C., and many District residents have a prescription for medical marijuana. But as the law stands, employees can be penalized at work if they test positive for the drug.

“Our thinking on marijuana from a criminal justice perspective has evolved. But our thinking on marijuana from an employment perspective is stuck in the last century,” said At-Large Council member David Grosso.

The two bills under discussion by the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development involve drug testing at work: The Prohibition of Marijuana Testing Act of 2019 proposes to eliminate marijuana testing in the workplace. This bill passed as emergency legislation but now must transition through the legal process for adoption as a permanent law.

The second, the Medical Marijuana Program Patient Protection Amendment Act of 2019, would do away with marijuana testing on employees enrolled in the city’s medical marijuana program who have a prescription.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Megan Cloherty over at WTOP

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