D.C. Council Reverses Again On Marijuana Club Ban

Looks like the D.C. Council may extend a permanent ban on allowing marijuana in businesses after all.

In February, the council appeared to be softening its stance on a ban aimed at barring the creation of private clubs that provide marijuana to patrons, a common loophole in states with relaxed marijuana laws.

At the time, Councilman Kenyan McDuffie, D-Ward 5, opted not to introduce legislation to permanently ban private marijuana clubs while the council instead passed a temporary, emergency measure to block marijuana in businesses for up to 225 days while a task force examined the issue.

But on Tuesday, McDuffie reintroduced the permanent ban legislation. Despite protests from some council members who argued the task force needed more time to do its job, the legislation passed on first reading 7-6.

It’s yet another reversal on the contentious issue. Advocates have framed it as a home rule issue since Congress used a budget rider to block the District for a second year from being able to tax, regulate or use federal funds to enact a legal marijuana market.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Tina Reed over at Washington Business Journal

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