D.C. Council Debates Downsizing

Some members of the D.C. Council are trying to curtail the city’s traditional spending on the presidential inauguration this January, when Republican ­Donald Trump will assume office in a city that voted overwhelmingly against him.

A proposal first floated by council member Elissa Silverman (I-At Large) would eliminate or drastically reduce the District’s funding for a stand built on the steps of the John A. Wilson Building on Pennsylvania Avenue NW to view the inaugural parade.

Silverman said her suggestion to scale back the city’s inauguration spending was at least partially motivated by nonpartisan concern over wasteful spending. In 2013, the glass-enclosed stand was carpeted, heated and included flat-screen televisions. About 2,000 people — including elected officials, their staffs and constituents — used the stand during the course of the day, and it cost about $342,000.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Peter Jamison over at the Washington Post

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