D.C. Council Approves New Version Of Universal Paid Leave Legislation

Employers in D.C. will be required to offer eight weeks paid family leave, six weeks to care for a sick family member and two weeks of medical leave under universal paid leave legislation approved by D.C. Council in a first reading on Tuesday.

The universal paid leave legislation, which in a previous version offered 11 weeks of paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child, is scheduled for a second reading on Dec. 20. If it passes muster there, the bill will be sent to Mayor Muriel Bowser, who has not said whether she will sign it.

The final vote was 10-2, with Councilman Jack Evans, D-Ward 2, and outgoing Councilwoman Yvette Alexander, D-Ward 7, opposed. The vote indicates the council could override any veto from Bowser.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Tina Reed over at Washington Business Journal

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