Breaking: Maryland Medical Marijuana Panel Releases Applicant Rankings

Maryland’s medical marijuana commission has released how top applicants ranked to grow and dispense marijuana in the state.

The rankings released Wednesday show that Holistic Industries in Prince George’s County and Shore Naturals in Worcester County initially didn’t make it into the top 15 now in line to be licensed to grow marijuana. But they were moved up into the top 15 in order to meet geographic representation outlined in the law.

Maryland Cultivation and Processing in Frederick County and GTI Maryland in Washington County were two applicants that originally placed in the top 15, but were bumped back to spots 16 and 17.

Here is how top applicants ranked to become medical marijuana growers and processors in Maryland.

2. Doctors Orders Maryland, Dorchester County

3. Maryland Compassionate Care and Wellness, Carroll County

4. Freestate Wellness, Howard County

5. Kind Therapeutics USA, Washington County

6. SunMed Growers, Cecil County

7. HMS Health, Frederick County

8. Harvest of Maryland, Washington County

9. Curio Cultivation, Baltimore County

10. Grow West MD, Garrett County

11. ForwardGro, Anne Arundel County

12. MaryMed, Dorchester County

13. Temescal Wellness of Maryland, Baltimore city

14. Holistic Industries, Prince George’s County

15. Shore Naturals Rx, Worcester County

16. MD Cultivation and Processing, Frederick County

17. GTI Maryland, Washington County

18. Kind Earth Medicinals, Montgomery County

19. Maryland Natural Treatment Solutions, Caroline County

20. Mazey Farms, Garrett County


1. Curio Manufacturing

2. AFS Maryland

3. Maryland Compassionate Care and Wellness

4. PharmaCulture

5. Blair Wellness Center

6. Seven Points Argo-Therapeutics

7. Chesapeake Alternatives

8. Doctors Orders Maryland

9. Pro Green Medical

10. Rosebud Organics

11. Temescal Wellness of Maryland

12. Kind Therapeutics

13. FGM Processing

14. Holistic Industries

15. MarylandMed

16. Citiva Maryland

17. ForwardExtracts

18. PharmaKent

19. HMS Health

20. Herbiculture Inc.

21. GTI Maryland

22. Freestate Partners

23. Harvest of Maryland

24. Wellness Institute of Maryland

25. Chesapeake Apothecary

26. Maryland Earthworks

27. Healthy Extracts

28. Chesacanna Inc

29. Mikran

30. NH Medicinal

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Brian Witte of Associated Press over at The Baltimore Sun

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