Bill Would Revive Panhandling For Firefighters, Nonprofits

Nine years after the General Assembly banned panhandling along roads in Anne Arundel County, lawmakers are considering a measure that would make the practice legal for firefighters and some other groups.

Under House Bill 102, fire companies as well as charitable groups and religious, fraternal, civic and war veterans’ organizations could request a permit from the county to collect money along the side of the road for up to seven days a year.

The legislation was requested by local firefighters, who say the prohibition against panhandling has taken a toll on their fundraising efforts. One of the biggest used to involve asking motorists to drop money into a boot as they waited for traffic lights to change.

“It means a lot to us,” said Joe Addivinola, president of Anne Arundel County’s chapter of the International Association of Fire Fighters, whose members previously stood by the side of the road to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Amanda Yeager over at Capital Gazette

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