Bill Would Mandate Paid Sick Days For Businesses Of 10 Employees Or More

Legislation that would mandate that employers in Maryland with 10 or more workers provide them with paid sick days is under consideration this week by House and Senate committees.

Some business advocates say it will cost too much and result in wage and benefit reductions, while supporters say it’s a health and human rights issue that must be passed.

Moms and their kids in superhero costumes gathered at the Maryland State House Tuesday morning to distribute tissue boxes and petition passage of the legislation that would provide an option that more than 720,000 Marylanders don’t have, according to advocacy group MomsRising.

The House Economic Matters Committee heard testimony on that chamber’s bill Tuesday. The Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to hear companion legislation on Thursday.

Under the bill, employees of companies with 10 or more workers would earn paid leave based on hours they’ve worked–one sick-leave hour for every 30 hours worked. Employees with nine or fewer workers would earn unpaid leave at the same rate, under the legislation.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Eliana Block over at Capital News Service

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