Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. Seeks Approval For $963 Million Pipeline Improvement Program

Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. is seeking approval from the state’s Public Service Commission for a $963 million pipeline improvement program.

The five-year plan to upgrade the region’s natural gas system would begin in 2019 and would be paid for partially by a customer surcharge, if approved by the commission.

A 2013 law enabled gas utilities to collect a surcharge in order to recoup some of the cost of updating pipelines and expedite the process of replacing dated infrastructure with modern equipment that is safer and more reliable. The law caps the monthly surcharge to residential customers at $2.

The plan, called Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (or STRIDE) 2, would continue work started under the initial five-year STRIDE plan that ends next year.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Sarah Gantz over at the Baltimore Sun

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