Baltimore Estimates Cost Of Ransomware Attack At $18.2 Million As Government Begins To Restore Email Accounts

Baltimore’s budget office estimates a ransomware attack on city computers will cost at least $18.2 million — a combination of lost or delayed revenue and direct costs to restore systems.

The cost estimates were disclosed Wednesday at a City Council budget hearing as regular email service was restored for at least some Baltimore employees, the first public indication that the city’s technological recovery is showing signs of success.

The city’s information technology office has spent $4.6 million on recovery efforts since the ransomware struck May 7 and expects to spend an additional $5.4 million by the end of the year, officials said.

The other $8.2 million in impact is from potential lost or delayed revenue, such as money from property taxes, real estate fees and some fines.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Ian Duncan over at the Baltimore Sun

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