Baltimore County Tries To Lure Paypal Expansion

Baltimore County hopes to take advantage of PayPal’s recent decision not to open an operations center with 400 employees in North Carolina after the passage of a state law widely viewed as discriminatory.

County Executive Kevin Kamenetz wrote a letter last week to PayPal President and CEO Dan Schulman encouraging the company to expand its existing Hunt Valley office instead.

“You keep expanding your Hunt Valley Global Operations Site in the heart of our central business corridor, and frankly, we love it,” Kamenetz wrote.

Kamenetz made no mention in his April 28 letter of the controversial North Carolina law, which limits protections for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. A key provision of the bill requires transgender people to use public restrooms that correspond to the gender on their birth certificate, rather than restrooms corresponding to their gender identity.

The county executive did refer indirectly to the law on Twitter, posting Tuesday that the county shares PayPal’s “principles of respect & inclusion.” He added the hashtag “#NoHateInMyState,” which has been used by opponents of the North Carolina law.

a href=”” target=”_blank”>Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pamela Wood over at the Baltimore Sun

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