Baltimore County Council Votes In Support Of Amazon Loan

The Baltimore County Council voted unanimously Monday to support a $2.2 million incentive package designed to help lure an Amazon distribution center to Sparrows Point.

Neither Amazon nor Tradepoint Atlantic, where the distribution center would be built, have commented on the online retail giant’s plans or the incentives.

But Baltimore County officials have said Amazon is in negotiations to build an 855,000-square-foot distribution center with 1,500 employees at the industrial and transportation hub being developed on the site of the former Sparrows Point steel mill.

The state Department of Commerce is offering a $2 million conditional loan to Amazon, and the County Council’s support is a requirement for the loan. Generally, conditional loans are forgiven if the company meets targets such as creating a certain number of jobs. Details of the conditions on this loan have not been made public.

Baltimore County also is offering a $200,000 conditional loan, which represents a required 10 percent match of the state loan.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pamela Wood over at the Baltimore Sun

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