Baltimore City Identifies 6 Bidders For New Red Light-Speed Camera Contract

After weeks of declining to reveal the names, Mayor Catherine Pugh Wednesday released a list of six companies vying for a new red light-speed camera contract in Baltimore.

A contract is expected to be signed this spring and up to 90 new cameras will be installed or used on mobile devices in certain areas of the city with a 30-day grace period given to drivers to get used to the program, Pugh said.

The companies in the running are: American Traffic Solutions, GATSO USA, Optotraffic LLC, Redflex Traffic Systems, SENSYS America and Conduent Inc.

The mayor was pressed by news outlets including the Baltimore Business Journal on Wednesday to release the list. The city’s prior contracts with Xerox State and Local Solutions and Brekford Corp. for similar traffic camera programs failed amid controversy over accuracy. The effort shut down completely in 2013.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Melody Simmons over at the Baltimore Business Journal

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