Alexandria City Council To Consider Major Tax Rate Hike

The Alexandria City Council voted 6 to 1 Tuesday night to advertise a property tax rate hike of 5.7 cents, more than twice what the city manager recommended, one day after scores of school advocates pressured the council to raise more money for school construction and maintenance.

The proposal, which would raise property taxes to $1.13 per $100 of assessed property value, could cost the average homeowner $356 more than what they now pay. The council also is considering higher fees for sewers and trash, and a new storm-water utility fee, all of which would add about $200 more to a homeowner’s bill in fiscal 2018.

Vice Mayor Justin Wilson (D) said that although the council might not enact the higher property tax rate he proposed, it’s time to consider how to raise more revenue. He coupled the tax rate proposal with a new joint city-schools committee that would create a city-and-schools facilities plan that could result in shared buildings.

“I can’t understand the suggestion that we are not going to introduce additional debt capacity, we’re not going to reduce massively our capital budget, we’re not going to introduce new revenue to the picture, and somehow we’re going make this happen. It’s fantasy, it’s absolute fantasy,” he said.

Even if the council were to adopt the 5.7 cent tax rate hike, it would not raise enough money to pay for all school and city needs, Wilson noted.

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