Aging Md. Horse Tracks, Pimlico And Laurel Park, Would Get Millions Under Md. Bill

The measures would authorize the Maryland Stadium Authority to spend $375 million to mostly gut and rebuild both facilities. They are backed by influential lawmakers — House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) and Sen. Guy J. Guzzone (D-Howard), chairman of the Budget and Taxation Committee, are the leading sponsors of the legislation.

Leaders of organizations that serve Park Heights, the northwest Baltimore neighborhood that surrounds Pimlico, lavished praise on the proposal at both hearings.

“This plan paves the way for an holistic, equitable approach for further redevelopment,” Baltimore City Councilwoman Sharon Green Middleton (D) told the Senate panel. “It will stimulate the local economy through real estate projects, streetscape programs and provide… comprehensive education and outreach programs.”

“Keeping the Preakness in Baltimore in very important,” Middleton added, echoing the view of many.

The plan to redevelop Pimlico and Laurel was crafted by representatives of The Stronach Group, the Canadian firm that owns the Maryland Jockey Club, operator of the two tracks; the City of Baltimore; the organization that represents horsemen; and others.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Bruce DePuyt over at WTOP

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