A Perk For Lawmakers Comes Under Scrutiny In Pr. George’s

Prince George’s County new vehicle-use review board met for the first time on Wednesday, launching a four-month examination of a program that provides county council members with government vehicles or pays them a generous car allowance.

The three-member panel has until June 30 to recommend changes or suspensions to the program, which costs county taxpayers more than $110,000 a year and has been in place for at least a decade.

All nine council members and two top council administrators can drive government vehicles full time or receive a $10,000 allowance, a perk unique to Prince George’s in the Washington area.

While driving those cars, Prince George’s lawmakers accumulated more than 100 moving and parking violations and were involved in more than a dozen collisions between 2011 and 2016.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Arelis R. Hernández over at the Washington Post

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