$5.6B Purple Line Contract Approved by Maryland Public Works Board

Montgomery County leaders grilled state officials Monday about the latest cost estimates for the proposed Purple Line that would have the county contribute more to the $2.4 billion light rail line.

The briefing with state officials comes just days before the project goes before a state board for a critical contracting vote and weeks after Montgomery County Council members griped about changes to the county’s share of the construction costs last month. Officials from the Maryland Transit Administration along with the county’s Department of Transportation outlined some of the changes to the project, but several council members focused on the rising price tag.

“I want to go back to the money,” said Councilman Craig Rice. “I’m really trying to understand exactly what it is we’re on the hook for,” he told MTA officials.

Mike Madden, the Purple Line study manager; Jamie Kendrick, director of infrastructure and integration; and Charles Latucca, director of the Office of Transit Development and Delivery with the MTA, all fielded questions from the council and explained that the county’s share would come in at $210 million — excluding any changes or delays.

Prince George’s County expects to contribute $120 million to the project.

The 16-mile light rail line would connect the two counties and include 21 stops including four at Metro stations.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Kate Ryan over at WTOP

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